Campbell d"Islay
János Francis, angol iró, szül. 1822 dec. 29., megh.
Cannesban 1885 febr. 17. Iratai a népisme, meteorologia és geologia köréből
valók. Ilyenek: Popular tales of the West Highlands orally collected with a
translation (London és Edinb. 1860-62; uj kiad. Lond. 1890); Leabhar na Feinne.
L Gelic tests, Heroic gadic ballads collected in Scotland (Lond. 1872); Frost
and five, natural engines, toolmarks and chips; with sketches taken at home and
abroad by a Traveller (Edinb. 1865; uj kiad. 1867); Time scales horizontal and
vertical (Lond. 1880); Thermography (Kensington 1883); Circular notes. Tour
round the world (Lond. 1876-79).
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